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Chan, Tsun-Hung Albert

Chan, Tsun-Hung Albert

Gratia Christian College, Hong Kong

Title: Existential Chinese Family Therapy


Biography: Chan, Tsun-Hung Albert


Anthony Marsella : all psychology is indigenous and Kwang-Kuo Hwang: Taiwan indigenous psychologist proposes that Western psychology at its best carries some patronizing of other cultures and at worst, colonizing the minds of the East. Existential Chinese Family Therapy stares in the eyes of the Chinese clients to depict the Chinese Existential givens which are in contrary to Yalom’s proposed existential givens, Isolation, Freedom/Responsibility, Meaninglessness, and Death.  The Chinese existential givens which are affirmed by the three pillars of Chinese philosophies, Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism and are rooted in the construct of harmony. The focus of this paper is constructing a theoretical framework on Existential Chinese Family Therapy through examining the Chinese culture and clinical practice on Chinese clients. The general family system theory will be used as the theoretical backbone which encompasses the Chinese existential givens in therapeutic intervention.   Both researched Harmonious Values of Forbearance, Loyalty, Respect, Obedience and Role Acceptance will be examined and the proposed Chinese Existential Givens of To Live, Meaning of Love (Ch’ien), Family will be introduced.  Common Chinese family issues and typical Chinese family enmeshment will be inspected.   How theoretical concepts apply in clinical practice will be elucidated.